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Please click the PDF icon to download and print this to keep track of your volunteer hours for SAA

As a member of SAA, you are expected to complete at least 7 in-club hours and 7 out-of-club hours of service by the end of the 2016-2017 school year.


You must email the officers at in order to confirm your out of club hours prior to the event. These hours may be obtained through volunteer work, donations to fundraisers (baked goods, etc.), or working at a fundraiser.


If you run out of room on this sheet, just continue past the boxes onto the back of his paper If you misplace your hours sheet, please inform a club officer.

If you have an independent volunteer hours or volunteer hours from another service club that you have completed this school year, a supervisors's signature is needed instead of a club officer's. 

SAA Hours Sheet for 2016-2017 School Year

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